miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

Study Guide

Language Arts
Reading comprehension: In class
Writing: Personal Narrative: In class
Grammar:  Subject and Predicate, Statements and Questions, Commands and Exclamations.
Spelling #1,2,3,4
Vocabulary #1,2,3,4

All about Plants - Adaptations (Vocabulary and examples). Plants parts and their jobs. How seeds are scattered and how plants are grouped.
All about Animals - Adaptations of vertebrate and invertebrates  (Vocabulary and examples)  Fish, Amphibians, mammals, reptiles and birds.
How animals live together - Vocabulary - Examples of producers-consumers-food web -food chain

Social Studies
Location of Atlantico department.
Limits of Atlantico department.
Atlantico's municipalities.
Atlantico's patriotic symbols.
Important people througout Atlantico's history.

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